Media News

EenVandaag (radio)

This month marks the one year anniversary of the shooting of flight MH17 in Ukraine. On July 17th 2014, 298 people were killed. Among them were 196 Dutch people.

This week at Radio EenVandaag we are reviewing the fatal flight: families of the victims are slowly recovering from their immense loss but are still regularly confronted with news coverage about MH17.

On July 17th there is a memorial service for the families of the victims in Nieuwegein, one of the speakers at the memorial is the 27-year old Marieke Poelmann. She lost both of her parents in the Tripoli airplane crash in 2010 and wrote a book about her loss: ‘Alles om jullie heen is er nog.’ In Radio EenVandaag we are talking to Poelmann about her experiences.

Listen to the full interview (in Dutch) here 

Media News

NTR Academie

Vijf jaar geleden kwamen de ouders van Marieke Poelmann om het leven bij de vliegtuigramp in Tripoli. Haar leven veranderde voorgoed. Over dat immense verlies en over de invloed van zo’n ingrijpende gebeurtenis, schreef ze het boek ‘Alles om jullie heen is er nog’.

In de ochtend van 12 mei 2015 verongelukte het vliegtuig van Afriqiyah Airways in Tripoli. Van de 104 inzittenden overleefde een jongen de ramp, de overige 103 niet. Onder hen 70 Nederlanders.

Presentatie: Marcia Welman.